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Ashdown Tune Up

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Obj. kód: ASDRGTU

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stránky Ashdown


High Visibility Tuner Pedal For Guitar and Bass

Compact, precise and easy to use the Dr Green Tune Up pedal is Tuner for Guitar and Bass with true bypass switching and Mute enabled tuning. Housed in a robust custom steel housing and featuring heavy duty switching the Tune Up will endure life on the road or in the studio.

The smooth eleven-segment LED meter that allows accurate visual tuning from any angle. With a green LED that indicates the on/off status, a large note name display, and a tuning guide that indicates whether your instrument is sharp or flat, you'll always be able to tune quickly and accurately in any situation even on the darkest stages.The Tune Up provides a tuning range of A0(27.5Hz)-C8(4,186Hz), and adjustable calibration between 436 - 445 Hz.

See the spec bellow for info:
Tuning Range:A0(27.5Hz)-C8(4,186Hz)
Accuracy:+/- 1cent
Calibration:436-445Hz (1 Hz step)
Indicator:39seg FND &1LED
Input:1/4” Input jack
Output 1/4” Bypass jack
Power :9V(6F22,DC adapter)

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